A Simple Prayer

Guider of Souls, who seeks and finds the lost,
As we make efforts to walk toward you this day, may our hearts see the road from your perspective. Lead us by your rhythm and reveal the signposts that exist around us encircling us with the brightness of your loving Presence. Guide us also by that which lies deep within where extraordinary holy flecks send glimmers of hope. Amen.

2 thoughts on “A Simple Prayer

  1. Amen Mrs. Salbert for this prayer and post. Jesus, You are our only Way, our only Truth, and our only Life that gives us your solace, peace, and wholeness. We are torn apart daily with our human emotions pulling us into useless worldly distractions. We need Your personal, resilient Peace, to be anchored in your Will and Spirit, to be put back together, so that our every action honors You, and pours out Your healing Love and Witness to all who You put in our path, daily.
    Your brother in Christ,
    Ron Motley

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