A Simple Prayer

God of Glory, whose light shines upon all creation,
Lead each of us to notice what is shimmering with your Presence. Even amid the dying leaves, a season when animals and insects go deep underground, increase our trust in your plan. We add to this season our mourning cries for the devastating losses and conflicts in our world. Use this pit in our stomachs to confess, to move toward another, to stand together in ways that extend hope. Make us become a shimmering reflection of your loving Presence for another. Amen. 

A Simple Prayer

Guider of Souls, who seeks and finds the lost,
As we make efforts to walk toward you this day, may our hearts see the road from your perspective. Lead us by your rhythm and reveal the signposts that exist around us encircling us with the brightness of your loving Presence. Guide us also by that which lies deep within where extraordinary holy flecks send glimmers of hope. Amen.

A Simple Prayer in honor of my eldest’s birthday:

Creative One, who is the maker of our wildest dreams,
You lead us through unknown territory and after placing the precious gift of life in our arms, you send us into new worlds. You repeatedly bring us into the fullness of human experience through love alone. Silently, we pause during this day, in hope, like a roomful of hushed midwives, ready for new life to be delivered sending us out once again. Amen.

It also happens to be his. eldest son’s birthday, too!

A Simple Prayer for Our Lenten Journey

Ancient of Days, who accompanies us on our inward journey,
We draw near to you in this silence, waiting for your love to carve away our excess, so that we may find what is truly valuable. Your relentless grace guides us into our interior shadows, softening away our hardness with your compassionate Presence. Make this Ash Wednesday be the doorway to a season in which our inconsistencies are revealed. Unbind us from any fear, envy, pride, sloth or perfectionism. Release us into your creative light so we can become more fully yours. Remind us that this path is not a solitary one but for the whole community. Amen.

A New Season

Simple Prayer:

Creator of Beauty, who colors outside the lines to a new season,
As this season changes the earth, new light comes in through open spaces and dark nights blanket us in. Teach us to accept, adapt and change in response to both. Reveal new patterns and designs in our relationship with you until the colors of your mercy extend hopeful layers to all people. And together, we breathe thanksgiving. Amen.

Delicate Touch

Maker of the heavens and earth,
who arrives in flickers of translucence, 
Fill us with your breath in this moment and set our intention on finding your Presence in this day. Open us to all the ways you work to restore our bond with your creation. We so often fear spaciousness, we are afraid of letting go, we cling to the towers of our own making. Transform us with your delicate touches of grace where we might acknowledge the fullness of your Presence. Remind us to remain watchful for the reverent flow of life where Love emerges inviting us to enter in. Amen. 

Withering Beauty


God of mercy, whose creation is ever before us
Even the falling leaves whisper their consent. Even the fading flowers express their beauty as they wither. Help us to recognize the visible strength found in delicateness. Slow our pace, remind us to pause as living things return to the earth. Increase our trust in the rhythm of the seasons that follow. You breathe your goodness and gladness in us, make us satisfied to breathe in you this day. Amen.

2 Cor 4:16-18
Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.  For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

Stretch and Breathe


Mother of the Earth and Stars, whose arms encompass infinity,
We awaken and stretch and breathe in the freshness of a new day.  Open our minds to see that we rise up from this earth just as any other living thing. Our connections weave us into the fabric of all creation. This kind of belonging gives us both freedom and responsibility. Help us take one moment of this day to notice how we are related to all that we overlook. Fill us with the wonder of acknowledging how Love creates all that is. Amen.



renewed creation

Maker of all Beauty,
whose masterpiece is ever before us,

May your power slow us down this day to see the unseen, and to hear the unspoken. Gently guide us through your wisdom to stand and support another, as simply as the flowers of the earth. As we watch creation renewing itself in this season so may our hearts burst forth with gratitude for your loving Presence. Amen.

Mysterious Brightness

light in all directions

Luminous Presence, whose face reflects light in all directions,
We wake and pause to take in the mysterious brightness of your creation.
In this new day, with its unseen possibilities, order our lives. Provoke your mercy and peace to bring our weary souls relief from the error of our ways. Shine your love amongst us, stirring comfort into the hearts of all who need healing and hope so that your image can be established, throughout our world. Amen.