A Simple Prayer for Advent

Divine Hope, who is found both beyond and within us, 
As we begin this season of preparation, we admit how often we fear silence, fight stillness and resist the unknown. Move us beyond the exterior material in our lives toward the inner rooms of our hearts. As we explore in these depths, adjust our seeing toward each new reality that arises out of shadow and darkness. Through our sense of relief, stir us to passion for others, leading us beyond mere survival to fullness of joy. Amen.

Creative Peace


Holy God, who enlivens each new beginning,
Soak in the stillness of this summer morning. Listen and learn from the choir of crickets, or one gentle birdsong or the growing hum of vehicles. As your gaze swallows in the loveliness around you, remember that the unseen stars still exist. Simply wait for Oneness, then fully entrained with all that is, go out and saturate our world with your creative ways of peace. Amen.

Make every effort to live in peace with everyone. Hebrews 12:14

Gentle Unfolding

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Revealer of Souls, who places unfurls and unfolds each living thing,
For the morning air that beckons fresh and new filling us with a sense of anticipation, we breathe deeply and  give our thanks. Make us aware of being held in your love. Help us live into the mystery of your Presence taking time to wait for you to send to the surface sparkles of light from the deep rivers of our souls. Through these quiet moments, produce in us gentleness, peace and a song of joy to carry forth to share with one another. Amen.

God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us. Ephesians 3:20-21 (The Message)

Simple Prayer for Holy Saturday


Emerging God, whose silence invites us to still our hearts,
Align our breath with yours this day, let this not simply be another Saturday of busyness. Help us to listen for your rhythm, expectant for the new life you are bringing. Create new patience in us, in the knowledge that your Loving Presence is bringing life to darkness. Quiet us to hear the one Word that sends clarity to every confusion. Come in the fullness of your gentle strength that we might decrease so you can increase. Amen.

Bearing Fruit


Orchard Grower, who cultivates beauty amongst all the thorns,
We pause to receive all you pour out upon us through creation; the soft Spring air, the call of songbirds, the fruiting trees… Make us mindful of these gifts. Give us patience to wait upon your timing for whatever is not yet revealed. Help us to accept the wisdom of your ways. Bring us to places of expectant hope. Remind us that the fruit of your Presence feeds us all. Amen.

Potential for Grace


Giver of Patience, who waits tirelessly for our response,
We live in a world that overlooks and rejects too many, while you are the One who makes us acceptable. We pause midday to take a chance and sit with you. Use the slowing of the crickets, the drifting clouds in the clear sky and perhaps, something like this tire swing to remind us to attend to your Presence. Inspire us by your Spirit nudging us toward taking actions that bring wholeness. Let us be moved by the flow of your mercy and grace. Refresh us with both the exhilaration of new possibilities and a full sense of trust in our sacred connectedness with others. Deepen our experience of this day, as we wait with you and beside you for a new season to arrive. Amen.

Ready for Redemption

DSC04150 Divine Wisdom, who readies us for transformation with waiting, Capture our attention in this silent moment. Refresh us with the peace of your Presence. Relieve us from deadening routines and over commitment. If we cannot answer, “why am I doing this?” then, help us to let it go. Instill in us a new sense of trust and patience for your unfolding plan. When the time is right, bind us with work that gives us freedom. Amen.

Lift to Life


Guardian of Hope, who lifts us to life,
At the dawn of this day, we begin with you in Silence, opening space in our lives for patient waiting. Empty us even of our emptiness. Let gratitude rise in our hearts for places of pasture. Saturate us with your Presence to become truly ourselves creating a flow in our community where love and mercy prevail. Send us out into this day carrying compassion that helps others be true and whole. Amen.

Deepen Our Roots

Deepen Our Roots



Tree of Life, who justifies our lives through Spirit,
As a new day dawns and the soft morning air greets us, open us to take in all this day has to offer. Deepen our roots giving us courage and an increasing humility to both stand in the shadows when needed and at other times, to receive your brilliant, abundant light. We patiently wait for all that is to come listening for you in the ordinary birds full of song, the voices of those we speak with and the noise of work or play happening around us. Ground us in experiencing your grace so that we grow with passionate mercy becoming a place of healing and hope for the needs of our world. Amen.

Rich Peace


Wise Friend, who welcomes us with arms outstretched,
Widen our hearts in this time of silent waiting. Nurture our intent to invite the Spirit’s leading. Open us to the possibility that any encounter with your Presence might help us to see the other who we do not yet know. Teach us to enjoy the rich peace that comes with acceptance. Then, send us out into this day gathering love. Amen.