Gardener of our Future

Gardener of Glory

Gardener of Glory, who allows the weeds to grow alongside the fruit,
Return us to the earth. Remind us through your silent Presence that we work alongside you. Use our bare hands to till the soil of our hearts. Give us courage and strength to remove the weeds that keep us from maturity. Help us to cultivate what you are growing anew in us. Take us to the deep, dark, rich places where we find our fears transformed into branches for our future. As we labor together,  bring into focus the beauty of all that you are creating. Amen.

Matthew 13:24-30

Holding Hands


Designer of Hope, who embraces  all those with tear-filled eyes,
Turn our tears of joy into courage,  and our tears of sorrow into compassion; for in this new day lie all the possibilities for tomorrow. Steer us toward the roads of the future with those close enough to hold our hands. Surprise us again with eternal treasure as we give away that which sustains another. Remind us that we don’t  travel through this day alone, the arms of your love holds us all. Amen.

“…. And surely,  I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”        Matthew 28:20


True Home


Living Mystery, who calls us to follow on unfamiliar paths,
We pause to breathe in this dawn of limitless beauty, and are reminded of the ways you provide for our comfort and peace. Keep us from complacency and give us
courage to find you in places of darkness and challenge. Move us to travel with you toward these unknown places. Help us realize that each step takes us to our true home, where our meaning and purpose for living is revealed. Amen.

Mark 1:16-17