A Simple Prayer for Easter Season

Living God, who raises all to new life,
Slow us in these moments, turn us around, for we don’t recognize you. You aren’t found where we expect you. You don’t appear as we desire. Clear away our expectations, open us to ways we don’t understand. Send torrents of living water through the desert valleys of today. Strengthen us to live amongst selfish and deadened politics. Bring us to meet new formed community in gardens of grace where resurrection prevails and death is no more. Thanks be to Christ.

Budding New Life


Budding of New Life,
whose evidence surrounds us in this season,
Center our souls on your Presence to discover within whatever is struggling toward birth. As we explore new depths of intimacy with you, help us to admit how we fail at ceasing doing what is wrong and fall short of doing what is right. Then, guide us to your grace resurrecting our lives, bringing us out of dark discontent into freedom and glorious light. Strengthen us to bear this witness for others. Amen.

Holy Living


Precious Savoir, who guides us through each day,
In this time of quiet, move us a step closer toward the mystery of your Presence. Open our hearts to your leading through the Holy Week ahead. Give us an honest clarity at our private rationalizations and our comfortable self-deception. Bring us to let go of the burdensome things we have held so dear. Breathe through us with renewing power, challenging us to pour out love, peace and reconciliation in our homes, our churches and our communities. Amen.

(Photo taken at the Louvre, 2014)