Give to this Day


Creator of Life, who calls us all toward a relationship of grace,
A new day yawns, opening its emptiness before us. Before our steps take us to people and places, we turn to the Holy One, to gaze upon wonder and mystery finding fullness of Presence in silence. When we hear our hearts catch, perhaps that is where we are supposed to go next. When our memories capture our attention, perhaps we find what we thought was lost. And when our mindful, chatter clears, perhaps we notice the Other in whose life and death we are inextricably joined. Take into our day, these glimpses of grace that move our lives with gentle strength and joy filled love. Remind us to take into our world, only ourselves.

Whispered Word


Love Whisperer, who inclines human hearts toward a mystery,
Speak soft words to melt our hearts this day. Gently invite us to further trust. Suspend our judgment. Unlock our hidden truths so that we open ourselves to the depths of your grace. Transform our shame into freedom. Deepen our intent to listen for you and move us to act on Love alone. Amen.

And you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.      John 8:32

Strength after Darkness



Giver of Guidance, who watches our growth through every season,
In the middle of Lent, we tire of dealing with dark winter nights, the cold rain and snow. Spiritually we are fatigued as well, none of us have escaped the impact of a harsh word, the feel of a forceful arm, or fear in a tough crowd. It is not that we cannot see the light, perhaps we are too slow to admit our own darkness, for in the light of Divine Love, we all cast shadows. Help us to notice how often the most delicate things of creation come to life revealing their strength after a time of darkness. Let us move through the rest of this season, trusting in that. Amen.


Fresh Perspectives


Beam of Blessing, who sends sparkles of light into every moment,
Our first morning breath,  as we attend to the fullness of your Presence,  gives us focus. Our hearts fill with gratitude by the way your creation nurtures us each day and yet, is often overlooked when there is much imperfection in our world. It is easy for us to find the broken branches, the shadows and woundedness in our midst. Help us to not only see from fresh perspectives but to act with renewed hope. Strengthen us to persevere and give us eyes of grace to see the beauty that is emerging in difficult places. Amen.

Potential for Grace


Giver of Patience, who waits tirelessly for our response,
We live in a world that overlooks and rejects too many, while you are the One who makes us acceptable. We pause midday to take a chance and sit with you. Use the slowing of the crickets, the drifting clouds in the clear sky and perhaps, something like this tire swing to remind us to attend to your Presence. Inspire us by your Spirit nudging us toward taking actions that bring wholeness. Let us be moved by the flow of your mercy and grace. Refresh us with both the exhilaration of new possibilities and a full sense of trust in our sacred connectedness with others. Deepen our experience of this day, as we wait with you and beside you for a new season to arrive. Amen.

Standing Ready

Protector of Life

Protector of Life, who watches over our days,
In the morning silence, we face our uncertainties, finding your Presence standing guard. You quiet our fears with simple compassion. You strengthen us to live in our truth again and again. You never promised that acting on faith would be easy, you did promise that nothing can separate us from your love. And so we ask today as we watch for your faithfulness: make us like you, standing ready to pour out grace where there is need. Amen.

Persevering for Peace


Home of our Heart, who endures trials patiently with us,
Fill us with gratitude in this silence for all that you provide. Bring to view things that go unnoticed and yet point us toward the reality of your love. Rather than managing our difficulties with cool calculations, guide us to positions of new vulnerability and openness to compassionate grace. Help us to become aware of your Presence in the collective company we keep, reminding us that together we can shelter any storm. Keep us faithful in our prayer for peace. Amen.

Place of Belonging

inner room

Architect of Increase, who builds a place of belonging for us all,
Today’s silence leads us to an inner room where our souls can begin to attend to your Presence. In the cold of winter; this inner place is warm, a place of fertile growth. Widen our seeking to find you both in the light and the dark corners. Guide us to hidden doors and windows, to the steps that lead us further into the mystery of your mercy and grace. Give us patience to remain in this inner place until your whispers expand our ability to love. Amen.

Surrendor to Beauty


Sustainer of Grace, whose wisdom is found in the rhythms of the earth,
Draw us toward your active Presence as we set our intent for this day. No matter what is needed, move us away from self sufficiency to surrender. In each encounter and circumstance, open us to notice your beauty and truth. Use the interruptions to simplify our efforts to only that which is essential.  Fill us with the kind of gratitude that reaches out to support those around us. When the day is over, help us to rest satisfied in all that You accomplished to bring your creation to new wholeness. Amen.

Radical Kindness


Giver of Mercy, who releases us to live anew,
Use our resistance to Silence to bring us to acknowledge how often we try to avoid your grace, how often we close ourselves from your love. Gently open us this day, to you and those who dwell in our midst. Bring us to new places of acceptance, letting go of all that is unnecessary. Strengthen us to new flexibility especially as we deal with conflict. Magnify the radical way that kindness works toward peace in places of opposition. Amen.