A Prayer for a Summer Day


Nurturing Maker of Earth, whose creative work is revealed in each season,
Send us outdoors this day to be immersed by your loving Presence. Refill us with breaths of sunshine and color. Our hearts fling open to take in the beautify of your fields and sky. Our bodies are sustained by your summer fruit. Return our thoughts to your constancy and your bounty. Everywhere you recreate us with a goodness that is real right now, and forever. Amen.

New Possibilities

Snow blanket

Patient Purifier, whose creation is covered under snowy white blankets,
In this morning quiet, as our flaws are exposed, cleanse us with compassion. Through the power of your loving Presence, search our interior lives relieving us of our intolerance and prejudice. Help us learn that surrender is not passivity rather instead, uses our discomfort to increase our understanding for one another. Remind us that even when it appears nothing is happening, you continue to make new realities possible. Amen.