A Simple Prayer for Holy Week

Releaser of Captives, whose grace goes out ahead of us.
In stillness and silence, your powerful Presence reveals all that holds us from living fully. Open our hearts to your leading through this Holy Week ahead. Give us an honest clarity at our private rationalizations and our comfortable self-deception. Help us surrender ourselves with you so that we can be purified of our idols and addictions. As we break free, we trust that others gain their freedom also. May we go forth as monks in the world, gently and firmly, placing each step with mercy and peace. Amen.

Living Words


Holy One,
Help us return to our old words, words that we have used up and thrown out,
words that once gave us life , that now, we might live in them anew.
Breathe the word, in long slow gulps, until it fills our being,
Until we become that word for the sake of the world, living words for others.
Let us fill this world with…mercy, peace, kindness, compassion, justice, gentleness, strength, love, presence, goodness and…..
Thanks be to You, Amen.

“Whoever drinks the water I shall give, it will become in you a spring welling up to endless life.” John 4:14

Even Today


Let us all seek to find some piece of glory amidst tangled brambles, today.  Stop and listen for your breath in that place.  Make a way for some kind of peace to be revealed. Even the most delicate veins yield tremendous strength. Even today, your life has a purpose.  Amen.

 2 Cor 12:9
 “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”

Creative Peace


Holy God, who enlivens each new beginning,
Soak in the stillness of this summer morning. Listen and learn from the choir of crickets, or one gentle birdsong or the growing hum of vehicles. As your gaze swallows in the loveliness around you, remember that the unseen stars still exist. Simply wait for Oneness, then fully entrained with all that is, go out and saturate our world with your creative ways of peace. Amen.

Make every effort to live in peace with everyone. Hebrews 12:14

Gentle Unfolding

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Revealer of Souls, who places unfurls and unfolds each living thing,
For the morning air that beckons fresh and new filling us with a sense of anticipation, we breathe deeply and  give our thanks. Make us aware of being held in your love. Help us live into the mystery of your Presence taking time to wait for you to send to the surface sparkles of light from the deep rivers of our souls. Through these quiet moments, produce in us gentleness, peace and a song of joy to carry forth to share with one another. Amen.

God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us. Ephesians 3:20-21 (The Message)

Open to Mystery


Holy One, whose strength is present in this moment,
We inhale all that is good and are renewed. We exhale releasing the love and mercy you have given, into our world. When we face grief and pain, deliver us into a mystery that is larger than we can imagine. Shape our unique identities us as we navigate the complexities of faithful living. Keep our hearts open to you so that we can find rest and peace. Strengthen us for this day with your breath of life.  Amen.

Do you not know your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, who you have received from God?                                                                          1 Corinthians 6:19

Transforming Life


Stream of Light, who pierces the dark to awaken us,
No matter what lays heavy on this day, show us the new possibilities in it. Breathe your peace into our struggle. Broaden our perspective not to exclude our anxieties but to see their gifts in our depths. Release the hushed sorrow within for our inadequacies, our doubts, and vacillating tendencies. Remind us that you bring new life out of nothingness; that your Presence and power transform our sadness to joy. Amen.

You turned my wailing into dancing;
    you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy…      Psalm 30:11

Widen Our Understanding


Eternal Companion, who is amongst and within us,
This moment is our to receive your beams of light and love no matter what our struggle. Help us admit that we are all empty and unfinished. Rather than allowing our circumstances to build walls, break down our resistance until understanding widens into ways of deliverance and peace. Remind us to persevere in the one relationship that helps us to navigate all the rest. Amen.


Wait For It


Unknown Being, who creates and gives life,
How is it that the dawn’s last deep sigh opens this morning’s light? There is no pausing to take a breath, no learning to breathe, nor forgetting to breathe, only the constancy of the One giving and receiving. Just wait, just watch for it. When it seems  there is no hope, there is in reality  more Presence than we can take in. The shattering of our hearts is not to be feared. Those deep sighs coming from our depths, are already initiating the opening for the new day. Just wait, just watch for it. Amen.

Life Beyond our Knowing

Life beyond our knowing.jpg

Creator of All, who gives us life beyond our knowing,
Open us to the steadiness of your Presence, breathe in us a sense of strength and peace, for we know your ways are good and your love is unending. In all that is ahead, slow us down, slow us down, slow us down that we might notice you first and allow you to guide our hearts and minds. Grow your love in us anew. This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice in hope, have patience in trouble and pray at all times. Amen.
The kindness of all the St Lucian people, especially our host Jonathan, provided two cocoa trees on the sustainable farm (that provides local employment and all the fresh food for the chef at Anse Chastenet) that we were able to plant in honor and memory of Paul. These trees will produce cocoa in 21/2 years and live for 200. Paul loved trimming, planting and cutting down trees, which I know for those of you who knew him, makes you smile. He was very familiar with a chainsaw…