A Simple Prayer

Living Word, who speaks creation into existence
We are tired of hearing condemnation from every angle. Gently awaken us to listen for the one Voice that gives life. Fill us with what we need to carry into the course of this day. Help us to listen to one another more than we speak. Rather than increasing any conflict, make the words you speak through us create understanding. Multiply opportunities to experience emerging justice through the power of your mercy. Amen. Psalm 29:4

A Simple Prayer for Holy Week

Releaser of Captives, whose grace goes out ahead of us.
In stillness and silence, your powerful Presence reveals all that holds us from living fully. Open our hearts to your leading through this Holy Week ahead. Give us an honest clarity at our private rationalizations and our comfortable self-deception. Help us surrender ourselves with you so that we can be purified of our idols and addictions. As we break free, we trust that others gain their freedom also. May we go forth as monks in the world, gently and firmly, placing each step with mercy and peace. Amen.

A Not So Simple Prayer

Divine Being, who waits alongside the waters, 

We cannot be still. We cannot wait. Too many young people are dying, like the leaves that have fallen to the ground. Remind us to take in your breath, to notice something of your Presence; to acknowledge Love that arrives in flowers, candles and tears. We stand and watch at these altars of remembrance. Stir in us, move us to speak for those whose voices are no more.  And give us hope for the mystery of your work so deep below the surface.  In you mercy, so be it.

Mysterious Brightness

light in all directions

Luminous Presence, whose face reflects light in all directions,
We wake and pause to take in the mysterious brightness of your creation.
In this new day, with its unseen possibilities, order our lives. Provoke your mercy and peace to bring our weary souls relief from the error of our ways. Shine your love amongst us, stirring comfort into the hearts of all who need healing and hope so that your image can be established, throughout our world. Amen.

Wounded by Mercy


Force of Life, who emerges in times of trial,
We admit our resistance to your power, and yet, we allow the pressures of the world to split us open. We invite you in this time of silence to enter into our hearts and wound us by your mercy and love. Break us open to receive your goodness that your light might shine through us into dark spaces. Change our minds about the things we need most so that we find our struggle satisfied by relieving the needs of others. Make us stubborn and steadfast in our love for you. Amen.



Merciful One, who hears the cries of our suffering creation,
There are no words, only deep sighs. (deep sigh) We breathe in your loving power that overcomes all fear. (deep sigh) We breathe in your Self-giving nature that transforms all disorder. (deep sigh) We breathe in your redeeming Presence now. Soak our hearts and minds with all that establishes sincere communities ready to seriously look to the needs of others rather than striving after our own security and desire. Remind us once again that we live under your cross, not above it. Amen.

One Voice

One voice

Living Word, who speaks creation into existence
We are tired of hearing condemnation from every angle. Gently awaken us to listen for the one Voice that gives life. Fill us with what we need to carry into the course of this day. Help us to listen to one another more than we speak. Rather than increasing any conflict, make the words you give us to speak create understanding. Multiply the opportunities we have to share that the power of your mercy brings justice. Amen.

Drawn Together


Tree of Life, who draws us to gather in all kinds of sanctuaries,
Guide us toward you in this silence. Encompass us with your gracious Love and unending mercy. Lessen our resistence to the unknown and loosen our tight grip on certainty. Help us to see the reality of our humanity and open us to the possibilities that exist in your Presence. Make the evidence of our prayer be realized as we come closer to you, finding ourselves closer to one another. Amen.

Renew our Hope


Mover of Mercy, who leads us to places of renewed hope,
The time is come. Help us be still without running away as you expose our futility, our selfishness and emptiness. Your morning light reveals our darkness. Help us to bear these holy days with patience. Make our prayer one with the numerous refugees trying to escape the powers that condemn life. You have shown us the way that leads to life, increase our obedience to live in the purpose for which you created us. Make us those who live in the power of your resurrection. Amen.

Fill us with Mercy


Rock of Ages, who carries us to places of refuge.
Use this silence to draw us deeper into the canyon of your love. Bring us low enough to soften our rough edges and fill us with your mercy. Then, direct us to footholds that elevate us to a place of your perspective. When we cannot see ahead, move us to simply listen, waiting upon your guidance for our discernment. Like all those who have gone before us, give us confidence to explore the mystery of your Presence today. Amen.