Stretch and Breathe


Mother of the Earth and Stars, whose arms encompass infinity,
We awaken and stretch and breathe in the freshness of a new day.  Open our minds to see that we rise up from this earth just as any other living thing. Our connections weave us into the fabric of all creation. This kind of belonging gives us both freedom and responsibility. Help us take one moment of this day to notice how we are related to all that we overlook. Fill us with the wonder of acknowledging how Love creates all that is. Amen.


Drawn Together


Tree of Life, who draws us to gather in all kinds of sanctuaries,
Guide us toward you in this silence. Encompass us with your gracious Love and unending mercy. Lessen our resistence to the unknown and loosen our tight grip on certainty. Help us to see the reality of our humanity and open us to the possibilities that exist in your Presence. Make the evidence of our prayer be realized as we come closer to you, finding ourselves closer to one another. Amen.

Embody the Word


Ancient Author, whose Word creates life and hope,
Our intent is to leave space on the page and time in our calendar to open ourselves to your living Presence. Yet, we are distracted by many things and pulled in many directions. Quiet us in this moment, wherever we may be. Remind us that a simple breath brings peace, a wordless moment allows us to listen. Bring to the surface a recovery of the word you have placed in our depths, with the sure knowledge that those around us are part of how you provide the very thing we desire most. Keep us this day, from ignoring those who complete the Living Word in us. Amen.

Simple Hope

Future realities

Carrier of blessing, who meets us in both dreams and realities,
On this last day of the calendar year, rather than brooding about past failures or worrying about future actualities, quiet us to ponder the blessing in here and now. Help us to understand the only way to face our circumstances is to soak in your love, to open up to your mercy, to still ourselves long enough to be saturated with your goodness. We are all hungry for something, but only some of us need food. We all experience rejection but only some of us are truly alone. Increase our ability to become hospitable and kind to those who are left out. In the year ahead, make our dreams a reality and our realities distant dreams. Amen.

Transform Paths with Peace


God of Day and Night,
whose wisdom invites us into divine collaboration,
We are grateful every day begins with change, for this new day is different from the last. Yet, in these silent moments, our breath in yours, assures us of the constancy of your loving Presence. Steady our souls to meet the challenges ahead. Guide our steps to gently transform hardened paths with peace. You have made this day different than the last, and have given us freedom in how to live it. Deepen us through experiences that move our minds toward our hearts. Help us to learn we are most free when we are bound with you and one another. Amen.

Divine Cathedra

Resting Chairs

King of Heaven and Earth, who waits and weathers out the storms with us,
Use our silence this morning preparing us to make space for relationship. Help us to see the many ways we try to escape rather than stay in the place that provides us a further encounter with you. Somewhere in the course of our day, guide us to encourage another to take respite in your Presence. Then, may we sit together at the throne of creation in wonder of that which makes us whole. Amen.

Unfolding Freedom

unfolding freedom

Peaceful Presence, who deepens the promise found in our hearts,
As the day draws to a close, we take a moment of solitude to let our minds rest. Rather than increasing our anxiety to find what we perceive is missing, help us to learn that we cannot seek outside ourselves what is waiting to be found within. Open us to accept and befriend even any interior negativity we notice. Soften our hardened places and give us the kind of flexibility that moves us to new understanding. As the layers of our souls unfold and emerge, reveal this new growth in our relationships with you and one another. Amen.

Crossing Boundaries


Whispering Wind, whose language unifies us across boundaries and borders,
As this morning begins with the tending of kitchen fires, we pause to listen for the gift of softly cooing hens or the quiet rush or river water, any sound that creates a desire in our hearts to turn toward your Presence. Make it our intent to be open to new learning in our work and play. Use the voices of others to help us to see the poverty of our ways. Transform our experience to encounter your many riches in place we thought poor. Amen.

Simplify Our Work

Winter skylight

Giver of Clarity, whose vast Spirit hovers over and around us,
In the quiet morning, we breathe in your fullness. Settle us under the light of your Presence. Help us to let go of anything too burdensome to carry into this day. Simplify our work to only that which brings strength to another. Reveal your compassion and peace when harmful actions interrupt goodness. Guide us by your mercy to engage whole communities in ways that encompass hope. Amen.

#nofilter #notimelapse

Place of Belonging

inner room

Architect of Increase, who builds a place of belonging for us all,
Today’s silence leads us to an inner room where our souls can begin to attend to your Presence. In the cold of winter; this inner place is warm, a place of fertile growth. Widen our seeking to find you both in the light and the dark corners. Guide us to hidden doors and windows, to the steps that lead us further into the mystery of your mercy and grace. Give us patience to remain in this inner place until your whispers expand our ability to love. Amen.