
renewed creation

Maker of all Beauty,
whose masterpiece is ever before us,

May your power slow us down this day to see the unseen, and to hear the unspoken. Gently guide us through your wisdom to stand and support another, as simply as the flowers of the earth. As we watch creation renewing itself in this season so may our hearts burst forth with gratitude for your loving Presence. Amen.

Fresh Perspectives


Beam of Blessing, who sends sparkles of light into every moment,
Our first morning breath,  as we attend to the fullness of your Presence,  gives us focus. Our hearts fill with gratitude by the way your creation nurtures us each day and yet, is often overlooked when there is much imperfection in our world. It is easy for us to find the broken branches, the shadows and woundedness in our midst. Help us to not only see from fresh perspectives but to act with renewed hope. Strengthen us to persevere and give us eyes of grace to see the beauty that is emerging in difficult places. Amen.

Fresh and Full


Lover of Life, who awakens us with the light of day,
Breathe into us anew as we attend to your holy Presence. Hold us in this moment, carrying us in the fullness of your love. Give to all who are in pain or grief, a sense of comfort through the monotony of hours. Remind us that even as Spring blooms fade into yesterday, you renew us with strength to persevere in difficult places. Provide all that is needed for your peace to shine in places of conflict. Most of all, give us clarity to know that sometimes even when we suffer, you use us to be part of your plan to relieve another’s burden. Amen.