The Key for Today


Generous Giver, who makes time our home, day to day, and week to week,
Today, we can choose to listen for the song of birds, to let their chirping drown out the hum of traffic beyond. Today, we can watch the sun’s rays lick the dew drops from blades of grass. Creation is alive and today, we can choose to draw near to the Source of all life in the complexity of our experiences. We admit that on most days, rather than you, we trust only in ourselves. Today, help us choose your silent strength over our noisy clatter and clumsy efforts. You are the Key that unlocks our illusions to bring us truth today. Let us all be grateful for this day. Amen.

Quietly and Slowly

Mystery of Renewal

Renewing Power, who refreshes the earth in Spring time,
In this silence, we welcome your loving Presence and loosen our hold on things that don’t matter. Guide us to spiritual truths found in your creation. Remind us that transformation and humility come quietly and slowly. Nudge us forward when our patience and hope are worn out. Broaden our view to see the mystery of your work in the whole of it. Thank you for turning the earth and changing the seasons without any effort on our part. Remind us that we are all invited to work toward your purpose which brings new life. Amen.

Deepen Our Roots

Deepen Our Roots



Tree of Life, who justifies our lives through Spirit,
As a new day dawns and the soft morning air greets us, open us to take in all this day has to offer. Deepen our roots giving us courage and an increasing humility to both stand in the shadows when needed and at other times, to receive your brilliant, abundant light. We patiently wait for all that is to come listening for you in the ordinary birds full of song, the voices of those we speak with and the noise of work or play happening around us. Ground us in experiencing your grace so that we grow with passionate mercy becoming a place of healing and hope for the needs of our world. Amen.