A Simple Prayer for Easter Season

Living God, who raises all to new life,
Slow us in these moments, turn us around, for we don’t recognize you. You aren’t found where we expect you. You don’t appear as we desire. Clear away our expectations, open us to ways we don’t understand. Send torrents of living water through the desert valleys of today. Strengthen us to live amongst selfish and deadened politics. Bring us to meet new formed community in gardens of grace where resurrection prevails and death is no more. Thanks be to Christ.

A Portrait of Your Ways

Source of all Hope, available to us in every realm on earth and in heaven,
Your Presence makes real your encompassing love. Even when we are swept away into lives that are not of our own choosing, we do not despair. You give us clarity, comfort and conviction, placing a right spirit within us. Answer in us questions for others. Make our lives a portrait of your ways. Amen.

Living Words


Holy One,
Help us return to our old words, words that we have used up and thrown out,
words that once gave us life , that now, we might live in them anew.
Breathe the word, in long slow gulps, until it fills our being,
Until we become that word for the sake of the world, living words for others.
Let us fill this world with…mercy, peace, kindness, compassion, justice, gentleness, strength, love, presence, goodness and…..
Thanks be to You, Amen.

“Whoever drinks the water I shall give, it will become in you a spring welling up to endless life.” John 4:14

Giver of Abundance


Loving God, who is the giver of abundance, who blesses us all,
For the earth, her beauty and her bounty, thanks be to you, our Creator.
For time spent being held in your Presence, thanks be to your Spirit.
We enter into your life, Holy One, and find you deep within ours.
With joy and thanksgiving, direct us each day toward every opportunity to love,
through our work and our play.
Make all that we offer, be for the sake of another. Amen.


Colors Of Mercy


Author of Beauty, who colors beyond the lines with blooms out of season,
Changes happen in rhythmic response to rotations of the earth. New light comes in through open spaces and dark nights blanket us in. Teach us to accept and  adapt to both. Expose these life-giving patterns and designs in our relationship with you until the colors of your mercy extend grace-filled clarity and hope. Then together, we can breathe in thanksgiving. Amen.

“Consider how the wild flowers grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.            Luke 12:27

Open to Mystery


Holy One, whose strength is present in this moment,
We inhale all that is good and are renewed. We exhale releasing the love and mercy you have given, into our world. When we face grief and pain, deliver us into a mystery that is larger than we can imagine. Shape our unique identities us as we navigate the complexities of faithful living. Keep our hearts open to you so that we can find rest and peace. Strengthen us for this day with your breath of life.  Amen.

Do you not know your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, who you have received from God?                                                                          1 Corinthians 6:19

Transforming Life


Stream of Light, who pierces the dark to awaken us,
No matter what lays heavy on this day, show us the new possibilities in it. Breathe your peace into our struggle. Broaden our perspective not to exclude our anxieties but to see their gifts in our depths. Release the hushed sorrow within for our inadequacies, our doubts, and vacillating tendencies. Remind us that you bring new life out of nothingness; that your Presence and power transform our sadness to joy. Amen.

You turned my wailing into dancing;
    you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy…      Psalm 30:11


renewed creation

Maker of all Beauty,
whose masterpiece is ever before us,

May your power slow us down this day to see the unseen, and to hear the unspoken. Gently guide us through your wisdom to stand and support another, as simply as the flowers of the earth. As we watch creation renewing itself in this season so may our hearts burst forth with gratitude for your loving Presence. Amen.

Cast Your Light


Creator of Light, whose light shines in ordinary places,
We enter this day with silent snow, reminded to take a breath. Some of us are missing important events, and some of us are planning for future events. Help us all to stay present to you in this day. Expand the capacity of our hearts to receive your beams of love. Keep our feet on the path of this Lenten wilderness. Make any confusion or turmoil cease with one Word. Cast your light into our shadows and shine upon us again this day to renew the whole earth. Amen.

A Simple Valentine

Paul's rosebud

Divine Promise,
who generates strength within and amongst us,
Your Presence permeates the air we breathe, effortless on our part. You deliver us through a myriad of daily choices, some of which are less than faithful and still you bring forth beauty from our flaws. May our focus be on Love this day, assured only with your capacity to heal and restore every life in yours. Amen.