A Simple Valentine

Paul's rosebud

Divine Promise,
who generates strength within and amongst us,
Your Presence permeates the air we breathe, effortless on our part. You deliver us through a myriad of daily choices, some of which are less than faithful and still you bring forth beauty from our flaws. May our focus be on Love this day, assured only with your capacity to heal and restore every life in yours. Amen.


Simplify our Desires


Wonder-full One, who is made known in silence,
Use this quiet moment to simplify our desires for this day. Rather than participating in the culture of mindless consumption and digital distraction, lead us away to a place of emptying. Hold us in this place long enough to encounter your Presence. Fill us again with the wonder of Love flowing freely through our lives. Amen.

He brought me out into a broad place, he delivered me because he delighted in me.
Ps 18:19

Simple Living

BubbletimeTeacher of Simplicity, who lifts us as we let go,
Use this silence to focus our intention on each breath. Empty us of what is no longer useful and fill us with unique energies that bring healing to our world. Show us the ways we overextend ourselves taking on more than we can manage. Guide us in living more simply, releasing everything we hold too tightly so that we can carry more compassion. Send us floating through this day reminded that each moment has it’s own wholeness. Amen