A Not So Simple Prayer

Divine Being, who waits alongside the waters, 

We cannot be still. We cannot wait. Too many young people are dying, like the leaves that have fallen to the ground. Remind us to take in your breath, to notice something of your Presence; to acknowledge Love that arrives in flowers, candles and tears. We stand and watch at these altars of remembrance. Stir in us, move us to speak for those whose voices are no more.  And give us hope for the mystery of your work so deep below the surface.  In you mercy, so be it.

Gentle Unfolding

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Revealer of Souls, who places unfurls and unfolds each living thing,
For the morning air that beckons fresh and new filling us with a sense of anticipation, we breathe deeply and  give our thanks. Make us aware of being held in your love. Help us live into the mystery of your Presence taking time to wait for you to send to the surface sparkles of light from the deep rivers of our souls. Through these quiet moments, produce in us gentleness, peace and a song of joy to carry forth to share with one another. Amen.

God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us. Ephesians 3:20-21 (The Message)

Open to Mystery


Holy One, whose strength is present in this moment,
We inhale all that is good and are renewed. We exhale releasing the love and mercy you have given, into our world. When we face grief and pain, deliver us into a mystery that is larger than we can imagine. Shape our unique identities us as we navigate the complexities of faithful living. Keep our hearts open to you so that we can find rest and peace. Strengthen us for this day with your breath of life.  Amen.

Do you not know your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, who you have received from God?                                                                          1 Corinthians 6:19