

The ending of a  year of fullness and emptiness,

some seconds lasted an eternity and some weeks passed by in a blink.

A horrible year of watching newscasts filled with human misery, then,

to notice a simple reflection on my windshield could take my breath away.

Days when the seniors around me and the youngest children brought the same joy.


When family and good friends surrounded my heart with love

And when aloneness permeated my soul .

Some trees have been pruned and stand strong,

while quercus rubra fell into a million pieces.


My tears have fallen as heavy as the rains

and laughter tumbled over itself like the swollen brooks.

Music has stirred me, given me hope, and

memory of old, forced me to the ground of my grief.


This year will move into next year,

shaping the time that is to come,

imagining that much will be repeated,

ever more reminding me that I am alive still.

Unfolding Truth


Unfolding Truth, who often is hidden in desolate places,
Lead us to further knowledge of your ways in this moment of quiet. Help us to do nothing in order to find everything; not to squander our precious time, but to allow you to reveal the rhythm of our steps for this day. Comfort all who are dealing with unknown futures. Restore our hope in finding the way that imparts life out of death. Remind us of your goodness. Amen.