Living Words


Holy One,
Help us return to our old words, words that we have used up and thrown out,
words that once gave us life , that now, we might live in them anew.
Breathe the word, in long slow gulps, until it fills our being,
Until we become that word for the sake of the world, living words for others.
Let us fill this world with…mercy, peace, kindness, compassion, justice, gentleness, strength, love, presence, goodness and…..
Thanks be to You, Amen.

“Whoever drinks the water I shall give, it will become in you a spring welling up to endless life.” John 4:14

Crown of Creation

Compassionate One, whose Sabbath is the crown of creation,
Make our breath today, a giving and receiving of love. Make each step today, an opportunity to experience your peace. Use our insignificance to further your glory. Empty us this Sabbath day as we wait, like a field lying fallow, for you to produce in us and expression of carefree, overflowing communion. Amen.


Sabbath as the crown of creation was first explored by German theolgian, Jurgen Moltmann.

Transform Paths with Peace


God of Day and Night,
whose wisdom invites us into divine collaboration,
We are grateful every day begins with change, for this new day is different from the last. Yet, in these silent moments, our breath in yours, assures us of the constancy of your loving Presence. Steady our souls to meet the challenges ahead. Guide our steps to gently transform hardened paths with peace. You have made this day different than the last, and have given us freedom in how to live it. Deepen us through experiences that move our minds toward our hearts. Help us to learn we are most free when we are bound with you and one another. Amen.

Standing Ready

Protector of Life

Protector of Life, who watches over our days,
In the morning silence, we face our uncertainties, finding your Presence standing guard. You quiet our fears with simple compassion. You strengthen us to live in our truth again and again. You never promised that acting on faith would be easy, you did promise that nothing can separate us from your love. And so we ask today as we watch for your faithfulness: make us like you, standing ready to pour out grace where there is need. Amen.

Living Hearts


Wisdom of the Ages, whose desire is fullness of life,
Enlighten our hearts with your Presence. As we become aware of our breath and pulse, unify our bodies and souls. It is awesome to consider the vast expression of human vibration. It is beyond our comprehension how granite mountains can be so still and yet so alive. Even a single drop of water can carve a stone. And when we stand before the mystery of death, compassion overflows and somehow life arises from despair. You make all things possible through your transforming Love. Amen.

Source of our Energy


Giver of Life, who is as close as our breath,
We begin this day in your Presence, slowly finding the true source of our energy. Help us to simply be still in these moments; renew our vitality through resting in your peace. Give us a glimpse of your deep riches found in unexpected times and places.  Increase our trust in all that you provide.  Fill our soul’s with compassion, like your overflowing rivers, reaching beyond ourselves to satisfy the world’s people who are desperate for recovery in their lives. Amen.

Persevering for Peace


Home of our Heart, who endures trials patiently with us,
Fill us with gratitude in this silence for all that you provide. Bring to view things that go unnoticed and yet point us toward the reality of your love. Rather than managing our difficulties with cool calculations, guide us to positions of new vulnerability and openness to compassionate grace. Help us to become aware of your Presence in the collective company we keep, reminding us that together we can shelter any storm. Keep us faithful in our prayer for peace. Amen.

New Possibilities

Snow blanket

Patient Purifier, whose creation is covered under snowy white blankets,
In this morning quiet, as our flaws are exposed, cleanse us with compassion. Through the power of your loving Presence, search our interior lives relieving us of our intolerance and prejudice. Help us learn that surrender is not passivity rather instead, uses our discomfort to increase our understanding for one another. Remind us that even when it appears nothing is happening, you continue to make new realities possible. Amen.

Lengthening Shadows Ending this Year

Shadows of the year

Holy One, who fills both lightness and darkness with mystery,
As the shadows lengthen on this year, we attend to the fullness of your Presence. Your love comes at us so fully, and so often we either shy away, or are too distracted to notice. Right here, we have all that is needed; somehow we are enough, right now. We count on you to continue to make us tender with compassion and to further our trust in the ways of mercy and forgiveness. Our deepest desire is for peace with all people. With this last dusk of the year, propel us into the unknown future trusting that you are already there, preparing for our next moment. Open us to receive all that you provide with gladness. Amen.

Creator of Nations


Creator of Nations, who lives and dwells amongst us all,
Open our hearts in this time of silence that we might hear the judgments we make against others. Bring us to understand those same judgments are how we condemn ourselves. Remind us that your kin-dom is built on compassion, one person to another. Deliver us into this day aware of the many nations represented wherever we may be; each nation living through different realities and yet, all the same humanity.  Inspire in us a tireless prayer for peace until we become peace. Amen.