A Simple Prayer for Good Friday

Unfolding Truth, who often is hidden in desolate places, 
Lead us to further knowledge of your ways in this moment of quiet. Help us to do nothing in order to find everything; not to squander our precious time, but in attending to your Presence, allow you to reveal the message of your cross.  Comfort all who are dealing with unknown futures. Restore our hope in finding the way that imparts life out of death. Remind us of your goodness. Amen.

A Simple Prayer for Holy Week

Releaser of Captives, whose grace goes out ahead of us.
In stillness and silence, your powerful Presence reveals all that holds us from living fully. Open our hearts to your leading through this Holy Week ahead. Give us an honest clarity at our private rationalizations and our comfortable self-deception. Help us surrender ourselves with you so that we can be purified of our idols and addictions. As we break free, we trust that others gain their freedom also. May we go forth as monks in the world, gently and firmly, placing each step with mercy and peace. Amen.

A Simple Prayer for Our Lenten Journey

Ancient of Days, who accompanies us on our inward journey,
We draw near to you in this silence, waiting for your love to carve away our excess, so that we may find what is truly valuable. Your relentless grace guides us into our interior shadows, softening away our hardness with your compassionate Presence. Make this Ash Wednesday be the doorway to a season in which our inconsistencies are revealed. Unbind us from any fear, envy, pride, sloth or perfectionism. Release us into your creative light so we can become more fully yours. Remind us that this path is not a solitary one but for the whole community. Amen.

A Simple Prayer for Advent

Divine Hope, who is found both beyond and within us, 
As we begin this season of preparation, we admit how often we fear silence, fight stillness and resist the unknown. Move us beyond the exterior material in our lives toward the inner rooms of our hearts. As we explore in these depths, adjust our seeing toward each new reality that arises out of shadow and darkness. Through our sense of relief, stir us to passion for others, leading us beyond mere survival to fullness of joy. Amen.

A Simple Prayer of Thanks

Blessed Provider, 
who picks up the pieces of our lives gathering an abundance where we saw not enough, 
Soon we will be together at table; families, friends and foe. For some of us, the empty places at our tables reflect what has happened in our hearts. Change us to be those who trust rather than fear, turn our yearning into gratitude. Move us to respond to your grace by giving before we take. Fill us with your Loving Presence. And if ever any hostile encounter threatens to separate; extend our arms to reach out in love through your life-giving Word. Amen.

Give Completely

Hearts of Stone


She-Mystery, who gives herself away completely,
In this challenging season, we breathe, we pray, we serve others.  Make us not forget, however, that an important part of our work is to accept the Love you offer.  Help us not even try to make sense of it, only open our eyes to watch for it and open our hearts to receive it.  We don’t want a feel good story on Easter, we want you to turn our hearts from stone into bread that brings life for the world.  Amen.


1 Kings 17: 12
 But she said, “As the Lord your God lives, I have nothing baked, only a handful of meal in a jar, and a little oil in a jug; I am now gathering a couple of sticks, so that I may go home and prepare it for myself and my son, that we may eat it, and die.”




The ending of a  year of fullness and emptiness,

some seconds lasted an eternity and some weeks passed by in a blink.

A horrible year of watching newscasts filled with human misery, then,

to notice a simple reflection on my windshield could take my breath away.

Days when the seniors around me and the youngest children brought the same joy.


When family and good friends surrounded my heart with love

And when aloneness permeated my soul .

Some trees have been pruned and stand strong,

while quercus rubra fell into a million pieces.


My tears have fallen as heavy as the rains

and laughter tumbled over itself like the swollen brooks.

Music has stirred me, given me hope, and

memory of old, forced me to the ground of my grief.


This year will move into next year,

shaping the time that is to come,

imagining that much will be repeated,

ever more reminding me that I am alive still.

Giver of Abundance


Loving God, who is the giver of abundance, who blesses us all,
For the earth, her beauty and her bounty, thanks be to you, our Creator.
For time spent being held in your Presence, thanks be to your Spirit.
We enter into your life, Holy One, and find you deep within ours.
With joy and thanksgiving, direct us each day toward every opportunity to love,
through our work and our play.
Make all that we offer, be for the sake of another. Amen.


Give to this Day


Creator of Life, who calls us all toward a relationship of grace,
A new day yawns, opening its emptiness before us. Before our steps take us to people and places, we turn to the Holy One, to gaze upon wonder and mystery finding fullness of Presence in silence. When we hear our hearts catch, perhaps that is where we are supposed to go next. When our memories capture our attention, perhaps we find what we thought was lost. And when our mindful, chatter clears, perhaps we notice the Other in whose life and death we are inextricably joined. Take into our day, these glimpses of grace that move our lives with gentle strength and joy filled love. Remind us to take into our world, only ourselves.