Living Words


Holy One,
Help us return to our old words, words that we have used up and thrown out,
words that once gave us life , that now, we might live in them anew.
Breathe the word, in long slow gulps, until it fills our being,
Until we become that word for the sake of the world, living words for others.
Let us fill this world with…mercy, peace, kindness, compassion, justice, gentleness, strength, love, presence, goodness and…..
Thanks be to You, Amen.

“Whoever drinks the water I shall give, it will become in you a spring welling up to endless life.” John 4:14

Wide Places of Presence


Guider of Souls, who leads us to strength,
Like the ancients, who ventured out into the world solely to encounter You, may this day be for us a pilgrimage where we recognize how you meet us along the way. Give our thoughts a single direction even as our paths turn and twirl with light and shadow. Open us to the Holy given in each person we come across. Remind us to build altars of remembrance in our hearts. Renew us as we gather your Love. Amen


“You gave a wide place for my steps under me, and my feet did not slip.”     Psalm 18:36

Open to Mystery


Holy One, whose strength is present in this moment,
We inhale all that is good and are renewed. We exhale releasing the love and mercy you have given, into our world. When we face grief and pain, deliver us into a mystery that is larger than we can imagine. Shape our unique identities us as we navigate the complexities of faithful living. Keep our hearts open to you so that we can find rest and peace. Strengthen us for this day with your breath of life.  Amen.

Do you not know your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, who you have received from God?                                                                          1 Corinthians 6:19