Respond with Thanksgiving


Nurturing Mother,
who brings comfort to the lost, lonely and to the self-sufficient,
Our anxiety for the losses in our world has been high these last few weeks. Our questions bring us to our knees. Do you really know each hair on our head? Have you counted of every blade of grass? Slow us for a few hours so that we can count the grasses with you. Reposition our hearts and minds so that the world glows with life-giving mystery again. Rather than a moment of attending to your Presence, use as long as it takes to remind us that your creation is good and your wisdom is merciful and just. Make us people of prayer, saturated in your compassionate love to respond with thanksgiving for this life and the next. Amen.

Delicate Strength


Weaver of Life, whose simple designs create spaces of wonder,
We return to our homes this evening grateful to have experienced the tension, the fragility and the brilliance of the threads that have made up this day. Even when we have wanted to go in one direction, you gently turned us toward another direction in life-giving ways. Remind us not to enclose ourselves too tightly and miss moving toward the edges that enable us to increase our trust in the wisdom of your plan. Grant us rest in the delicate strength of your loving Presence this night. Amen.

Ready for Redemption

DSC04150 Divine Wisdom, who readies us for transformation with waiting, Capture our attention in this silent moment. Refresh us with the peace of your Presence. Relieve us from deadening routines and over commitment. If we cannot answer, “why am I doing this?” then, help us to let it go. Instill in us a new sense of trust and patience for your unfolding plan. When the time is right, bind us with work that gives us freedom. Amen.

Waves of Renewal


Living Water, who flows over and through our lives,
Serenity spreads through our bodies as we soak in your silent Presence. Each breath releases a wave of renewal. Draw us to the source of your merciful love. Give us wisdom to live in the balance of emptiness and sufficiency. Send us out, today, so that the invisible is made visible. Amen.

Droplets of Grace



Wisdom of Creation, who sends droplets of grace into every moment,
Sometimes when we quiet ourselves, leftover remnants from the cold glances of our humanity come to mind and we are disappointed. Bring us to look further at the things we so readily dismiss. Help us to make peace with our own deficiencies leaving us empty enough to receive the fullness of your Presence. Then, with the grace you shine into our lives, give us clarity to see rich treasure in others. Amen.

Satisfy our Hunger


God of Blessing, whose abundance is found beyond the things of this world.
Clear the path for our gratitude in this silence. Satisfy our hunger with faith, love, and hope rather than that which we see and touch. We are thankful that your generosity relieves us of our immobility.  We encounter your Presence as we connect and respond with the need of those around us.  For those we do not reach, we pray trusting in your great mercy. Remind us all that You alone are enough. Amen.