Lengthening Shadows Ending this Year

Shadows of the year

Holy One, who fills both lightness and darkness with mystery,
As the shadows lengthen on this year, we attend to the fullness of your Presence. Your love comes at us so fully, and so often we either shy away, or are too distracted to notice. Right here, we have all that is needed; somehow we are enough, right now. We count on you to continue to make us tender with compassion and to further our trust in the ways of mercy and forgiveness. Our deepest desire is for peace with all people. With this last dusk of the year, propel us into the unknown future trusting that you are already there, preparing for our next moment. Open us to receive all that you provide with gladness. Amen.

Focus Beyond


Mysterious One, who captures each moment for eternity,
Let the silence deepen revealing your creative love. Help us to focus on what appears beyond ourselves. Cast aside any fear to make space for trust. Loosen our grip especially in the darkness. Fill us with forgiveness toward all that rejects You, especially when that happens to be our own heart. Lead us with the peace of your Presence so that we find you in the glorious landscape of our lives. Amen.

Delicate Strength



Life-giving Breath, whose delicate strength upholds our lives,
Use this morning silence to deepen our awareness of your Presence. Make each breath an opportunity to awaken our intent for this day. Bring us to understand that life comes through inhaling and exhaling, an eternal pattern of receiving and releasing. Rather than hold on too tightly to that which we receive, give us the grace to release it for others. Mercy, love, and forgiveness multiply this way. Increase our trust as you lead us to places where nothing unfolds into everything. Amen.