Earth’s Goodness


Mother Earth, whose renewing power enlivens, heals, and sustains us,
As the day begins, bring our breath into an unhurried rhythm. Focus all our senses on the natural world around us, thankful for the energy we receive from your creation. Open us again to the wonder of life unfolding after darkness, of new found activity in places of dormancy. Throughout this day, let us show our appreciation for the earth by making our footsteps gentle ones and our touch, caring and compassionate. Strengthen us to a further commitment for using only what we need and sharing our excess with others. We celebrate your goodness, today and everyday. Amen.


Imagine allowing the winds to lift up the sails of a kite carrying you along with it! Freedom! Pure joy! Look again. The kite in the foreground is guided by a pilot. Each kite has harnesses attached to a fine system of tethers all working together to make flight possible. If even one of these connections is missing or tangled, gliding in this kite would not be possible.

The life of faith gives us opportunity to learn and experience the kind of freedom and joy that comes only when we are deeply connected to God and one another. It can take several relationships in order for us to grow. While we all make mistakes in our relationship with God or others, and we may at times feel lost and confused, when we stay connected, somehow, along with the other supports that we have, eventually the Spirit can lift us again. It is there we find the fullness of joy and freedom that comes with commitment.

Making a commitment is difficult today. We have so many choices. We want to experience so much. When making a new commitment, ask yourself if your new commitment will  help support the connections you already have in place. Living fully is not about experiencing everything, it is about living within the boundaries of our limitations and finding in those everything we need.

Happy sailing!