Songs of Sparrows

We had sparrows nest in an old ski helmet sitting on a shelf in our garage. Yesterday, five miniature birds flew for the first time. They made such a racket in their excitement. And today, the trees are alive with the songs of sparrows.

Do you remember the first time you flew? The first time you experienced what it was you were created to do? Did your heart sing with joy from deep within? Did you know complete freedom for the moment?  Did others see and experience your joy?

In all that we do to grow in our faith, for me, the most important is to practice and experience what we were created by God to do.  I believe living out our specific purpose is how God justifies and sanctifies our lives.  We can learn further about our divine purpose  by considering what we are already doing. What are the things that you do that bring you joy? What are the things you do that bring others joy? There are no mistakes, some part of our purpose is already being lived out. Recognizing and cultivating that understanding will however bring us to new depths of joy and peace.

Five New Songs Leave the Nest