Even Today


Let us all seek to find some piece of glory amidst tangled brambles, today.  Stop and listen for your breath in that place.  Make a way for some kind of peace to be revealed. Even the most delicate veins yield tremendous strength. Even today, your life has a purpose.  Amen.

 2 Cor 12:9
 “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”

True Home


Living Mystery, who calls us to follow on unfamiliar paths,
We pause to breathe in this dawn of limitless beauty, and are reminded of the ways you provide for our comfort and peace. Keep us from complacency and give us
courage to find you in places of darkness and challenge. Move us to travel with you toward these unknown places. Help us realize that each step takes us to our true home, where our meaning and purpose for living is revealed. Amen.

Mark 1:16-17


Ready for Redemption

DSC04150 Divine Wisdom, who readies us for transformation with waiting, Capture our attention in this silent moment. Refresh us with the peace of your Presence. Relieve us from deadening routines and over commitment. If we cannot answer, “why am I doing this?” then, help us to let it go. Instill in us a new sense of trust and patience for your unfolding plan. When the time is right, bind us with work that gives us freedom. Amen.

Every Blessing

DSC04017Giver of Every Blessing, whose constancy offers exactly what we need,
In the early morning light, we pause to consider the goodness you are already revealing. Rather than moving too quickly into the challenges of this day, fill us with a sense of quiet calm. Remind us that any frustrations or disappointments we encounter hold the hidden blessing of guiding and directing us in becoming who you created us to be. Reassure us that your light is ever brighter when it passes through dark spaces. Turn our longings into blessings amongst our families, our communities and our world. Amen.

Making Space

Making SpaceCreator of Space, who makes room for life to emerge,
As we begin a new day, center us on your Presence and peace. Energize us for our work, strengthening us to discover unused gifts for the challenges ahead. Remind us to not overlook what is alive and gives purpose in the hearts of those we work with. Give us the grace to bring balance and objectivity to each task. And amidst our work, help us make space to gather together in moments of quiet and rest and unity throughout this day. Amen.

Contemplative Morning Prayer

Pilgrim of Peace, who brings purpose that leads to contentment,
In silence, we long for the voice we hear to be yours. Relieve us from our distractions so that we are deepened by an awareness of your Presence. Rather than skimming along the surface of routine, give us courage to move toward what is unknown. Help us to trust the the invisible thread that guides us when we feel lost. Use the fog of our misperceptions to improve our sense of clarity. As we search for what is real, let us not be disappointed when our hearts break. Initiate new understanding and purpose in us as we find the sacred center of this day. Amen. >


Body and Soul


Breath of Life, who is restoring all of creation,
In the midst of these endless winter days, free us of fear, help us to face our guilt and grant us your mercy so that our bodies and souls are readied to join in the transformation of the earth.  Open us with each breath we take, further washing away any cynicism or mistrust. Stretch our bodies in ways that hold our communal life together. Remind us that faith is not simply a spiritual exercise but a physical experience. Prepare us for a future where your Presence is fully revealed in all of creation. Amen.

Classifieds for Christ


My mom was a crafter of words, for twenty years, she worked at the local newspaper and wrote all the classified ads.  When she retired, it wasnt the number of sales she made that her co-workers remembered but it was my mothers way with words. Mom had a way of speaking about things that exposed the interest point. My mom spent her time exposing in ads;
that one mans junk was anothers treasure,
that  a good deal  could always be found and
that a new life could always be given to someones throw aways.

That sounds kind of like the gospel to me. The differences are that the object that may be considered junk for one and treasure to another is the cross of Jesus Christ. The throw aways that are given new life in the church are usually human beings and the good deal you get in church is always free, the love and grace of God is free for everyone.

Think about the classified ad that you might write that would invite others toward a relationship with God and your community of faith.  When you come up with yours, please share them here in comments.