Transform Paths with Peace


God of Day and Night,
whose wisdom invites us into divine collaboration,
We are grateful every day begins with change, for this new day is different from the last. Yet, in these silent moments, our breath in yours, assures us of the constancy of your loving Presence. Steady our souls to meet the challenges ahead. Guide our steps to gently transform hardened paths with peace. You have made this day different than the last, and have given us freedom in how to live it. Deepen us through experiences that move our minds toward our hearts. Help us to learn we are most free when we are bound with you and one another. Amen.

Crossing Boundaries


Whispering Wind, whose language unifies us across boundaries and borders,
As this morning begins with the tending of kitchen fires, we pause to listen for the gift of softly cooing hens or the quiet rush or river water, any sound that creates a desire in our hearts to turn toward your Presence. Make it our intent to be open to new learning in our work and play. Use the voices of others to help us to see the poverty of our ways. Transform our experience to encounter your many riches in place we thought poor. Amen.

Earth’s Goodness


Mother Earth, whose renewing power enlivens, heals, and sustains us,
As the day begins, bring our breath into an unhurried rhythm. Focus all our senses on the natural world around us, thankful for the energy we receive from your creation. Open us again to the wonder of life unfolding after darkness, of new found activity in places of dormancy. Throughout this day, let us show our appreciation for the earth by making our footsteps gentle ones and our touch, caring and compassionate. Strengthen us to a further commitment for using only what we need and sharing our excess with others. We celebrate your goodness, today and everyday. Amen.

Lengthening Shadows Ending this Year

Shadows of the year

Holy One, who fills both lightness and darkness with mystery,
As the shadows lengthen on this year, we attend to the fullness of your Presence. Your love comes at us so fully, and so often we either shy away, or are too distracted to notice. Right here, we have all that is needed; somehow we are enough, right now. We count on you to continue to make us tender with compassion and to further our trust in the ways of mercy and forgiveness. Our deepest desire is for peace with all people. With this last dusk of the year, propel us into the unknown future trusting that you are already there, preparing for our next moment. Open us to receive all that you provide with gladness. Amen.