All is Calm, All is Bright…

The office project which began in January is now complete.   Space that is organized is a pleasure to work in. Beautiful new shelving and file cabinets keep everything close at hand. There is plenty of sunlight and open space. Comfortable seating and peaceful colors provide a contemplative atmosphere. There is a place for children to play quietly if parents need time to chat. I even have a spot for visiting dogs including my puppy, Ruby.

When God ordered creation, God made space by separating the waters. Space allows for new life to grow and new creation to come forth. Each of us needs space in order for us to grow and become co-workers with God in creation. Many people contributed to the renewal of this space, I am grateful for the way they shared their gifts and love. Making space builds community. Whether it be at home, or work or even outdoors, making space provides welcome for others. It is in welcoming others into relationship that new creation is born.

I look forward to many new “birthings” in this space.