Creative Peace


Holy God, who enlivens each new beginning,
Soak in the stillness of this summer morning. Listen and learn from the choir of crickets, or one gentle birdsong or the growing hum of vehicles. As your gaze swallows in the loveliness around you, remember that the unseen stars still exist. Simply wait for Oneness, then fully entrained with all that is, go out and saturate our world with your creative ways of peace. Amen.

Make every effort to live in peace with everyone. Hebrews 12:14

Gardener of our Future

Gardener of Glory

Gardener of Glory, who allows the weeds to grow alongside the fruit,
Return us to the earth. Remind us through your silent Presence that we work alongside you. Use our bare hands to till the soil of our hearts. Give us courage and strength to remove the weeds that keep us from maturity. Help us to cultivate what you are growing anew in us. Take us to the deep, dark, rich places where we find our fears transformed into branches for our future. As we labor together,  bring into focus the beauty of all that you are creating. Amen.

Matthew 13:24-30

Cast Your Light


Creator of Light, whose light shines in ordinary places,
We enter this day with silent snow, reminded to take a breath. Some of us are missing important events, and some of us are planning for future events. Help us all to stay present to you in this day. Expand the capacity of our hearts to receive your beams of love. Keep our feet on the path of this Lenten wilderness. Make any confusion or turmoil cease with one Word. Cast your light into our shadows and shine upon us again this day to renew the whole earth. Amen.

Vehicles of Love


Lifter of Souls, who brightens this day,

Open in us new space to take in your love. Awaken us to the invitation of traveling creatively through our circumstances. Bring us to consider what is needed by the ones beside us and amongst us. Rebuild and repurpose our lives to be vehicles that deliver new patterns of relationship offering hopefulled acceptance that heals the broken hearted. Make this day ever more beautiful through the gentle strength  of your love and peace.  Amen.

Living Hearts


Wisdom of the Ages, whose desire is fullness of life,
Enlighten our hearts with your Presence. As we become aware of our breath and pulse, unify our bodies and souls. It is awesome to consider the vast expression of human vibration. It is beyond our comprehension how granite mountains can be so still and yet so alive. Even a single drop of water can carve a stone. And when we stand before the mystery of death, compassion overflows and somehow life arises from despair. You make all things possible through your transforming Love. Amen.

Creativity Emerges

Creativity emerges

Gentle Restorer, who provides the rhythm for activity and for rest,
As darkness deepens, we pause to abide more fully in your Presence. Help us to become aware of how much is happening below the surface of our vision. Sometimes things are not as they appear at all. Sometimes the night is where our creativity emerges. Give us the sense to trust your wisdom even when our understanding is dim. Remind us of the promise of light that arrives when the new day dawns. Amen.