Colors Of Mercy


Author of Beauty, who colors beyond the lines with blooms out of season,
Changes happen in rhythmic response to rotations of the earth. New light comes in through open spaces and dark nights blanket us in. Teach us to accept and  adapt to both. Expose these life-giving patterns and designs in our relationship with you until the colors of your mercy extend grace-filled clarity and hope. Then together, we can breathe in thanksgiving. Amen.

“Consider how the wild flowers grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.            Luke 12:27

Give to this Day


Creator of Life, who calls us all toward a relationship of grace,
A new day yawns, opening its emptiness before us. Before our steps take us to people and places, we turn to the Holy One, to gaze upon wonder and mystery finding fullness of Presence in silence. When we hear our hearts catch, perhaps that is where we are supposed to go next. When our memories capture our attention, perhaps we find what we thought was lost. And when our mindful, chatter clears, perhaps we notice the Other in whose life and death we are inextricably joined. Take into our day, these glimpses of grace that move our lives with gentle strength and joy filled love. Remind us to take into our world, only ourselves.

Gardener of our Future

Gardener of Glory

Gardener of Glory, who allows the weeds to grow alongside the fruit,
Return us to the earth. Remind us through your silent Presence that we work alongside you. Use our bare hands to till the soil of our hearts. Give us courage and strength to remove the weeds that keep us from maturity. Help us to cultivate what you are growing anew in us. Take us to the deep, dark, rich places where we find our fears transformed into branches for our future. As we labor together,  bring into focus the beauty of all that you are creating. Amen.

Matthew 13:24-30

Wide Places of Presence


Guider of Souls, who leads us to strength,
Like the ancients, who ventured out into the world solely to encounter You, may this day be for us a pilgrimage where we recognize how you meet us along the way. Give our thoughts a single direction even as our paths turn and twirl with light and shadow. Open us to the Holy given in each person we come across. Remind us to build altars of remembrance in our hearts. Renew us as we gather your Love. Amen


“You gave a wide place for my steps under me, and my feet did not slip.”     Psalm 18:36

Holding Hands


Designer of Hope, who embraces  all those with tear-filled eyes,
Turn our tears of joy into courage,  and our tears of sorrow into compassion; for in this new day lie all the possibilities for tomorrow. Steer us toward the roads of the future with those close enough to hold our hands. Surprise us again with eternal treasure as we give away that which sustains another. Remind us that we don’t  travel through this day alone, the arms of your love holds us all. Amen.

“…. And surely,  I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”        Matthew 28:20


Arms of Love

Arms of love


Holy God, who holds us in arms of love,
We come to be purified in this full and holy season, to be quieted long enough to take in your goodness of all that has come and will be. We long for your plan to be revealed and yet, we refuse to wait, grasping instead at lesser things. We long to be chosen and favored, to be part of your family and yet, we reject our brothers and sisters. Help us to have courage when our souls are pierced and remind us in this new year that you will raise us after each fall. Move us by your Spirit to follow in the ways of  Christ. Amen.

Widen Our Understanding


Eternal Companion, who is amongst and within us,
This moment is our to receive your beams of light and love no matter what our struggle. Help us admit that we are all empty and unfinished. Rather than allowing our circumstances to build walls, break down our resistance until understanding widens into ways of deliverance and peace. Remind us to persevere in the one relationship that helps us to navigate all the rest. Amen.


Eternal Gifts


Gracious Presence, who is with us in our comings and goings,
We pause to allow quiet to enter into our harried minds. Make this day a pilgrimage toward a closer encounter with You. Some of our steps are clear, guided by your love. And some of our steps require faith through the power of your Spirit. Thank you for the privilege of established relationships with loved ones who now tie our lives to the life that is to come. Center us to carry gifts of healing mercies and love that have been given to us making each step count for the sake of offering these eternal gifts to others. Amen.

Paths of Acceptance



Servant of All, whose generous mercy creates unity,
Center us through this moment of silence. Let all else fall away except for an awareness of your Presence. Cleanse us with the purity of your love. Open our hands to surrender the things we grasp. Widen our hearts to release one another from intolerance. Create renewal within our communities through paths of acceptance and trust. Amen.

Supporting Structures


Community Builder, whose authority comes through love,
Use the silence of this morning to refresh our sense of your Presence. Our hearts are grateful every time we recognize your sustaining power is found both within and outside our lives. Restructure our sense of individualism into a willingness to lean upon one another. Remind us that the reinforcement that gives us strength is sometimes hidden from our sight. Inspire us to offer simple acts of kindness, today, encouraging the best in one another and turning us into a community of friends. Amen.